What is used on outdoor teak furniture to protect it from the suns' UV rays?

Teak Master is now available in San Diego for teak and deck restoration. We have more than a decade of experience and thousands of satisfied customers that can attest to our commitment to restoring the natural beauty of your wood. From stains to wood replacement, we can restore your deck to its former glory.

Teak wood has a golden, honey colored sheen to it that makes it heavily desirable as furniture. As outdoor furniture, its strength and durability have long made it the wood of choice for outdoor decor.

One outstanding quality of teak wood is its ability to withstand whatever elements nature can throw at it. This is because high grade teak has an abundance of oils and rubbers that naturally protect it from the elements, and keep it from drying out. However, over time, UV rays will cause the golden brown finish of the teak to turn a silvery gray color over time. While this does not in any way affect the strength or durability of the wood, it does take away from from the earthy beauty that led most buyers to furnish their outdoors with it. In especially sunny areas like Southern California, the need to refinish wooden decks may be a more regular process. Deck restoration San Diego, for example, would be required more often than an cloudy Seattle.

So, for example you feel the time has come to bring that golden shine back to your furniture, there are several options to bring out its original color ans lose that gray.

To begin with, the furniture a must be given a wash with a mild detergent and a semi stiff brush. Just doing this will remove most of the gray patina if the wood is only a few years old, although older furniture may require some sandpapering to remove the outer layer of wood.

There are two main methods of teak deck restoration, teak oil and teak sealer. Teak oil should be manually applied in several coats and allowed to dry, so that it soaks into the wood between layers. The protective effects of teak oil fade over time, as it evaporates so the process needs to be repeated several times a year in sunny climates. Teak sealer works in a similar fashion except that it provided a protective shell over the wood rather than soak into it. It lasts longer than teak oil but in time it will start peeling and needs to be sanded away before it can be re applied, however, it will last a bit longer between reapplications.

Once the teak furniture has been properly restored, it is important to keep it looking good. One way to do this is to apply tarpaulin covers over the teak to protect it from the worst effect of the UV rays. In addition, during the winter months, the furniture could be brought inside, as quick changes in temperature can result in the wood splitting over time.

Deck restoration San Diego is necessary due to the climate, but the rewards are great.
For deck restoration in San Diego Teak Master offers top quality service at competitive prices. We'll develop a personalized plan addressing your decks needs and get you back to enjoying your outdoor space in no time!